Outreach & Presentations

The Triangle Bikeway Study intersects three counties, two metropolitan planning organizations, five municipalities, numerous key stakeholders, and one of the nation's most rapidly growing regions. The public engagement strategy has been multifaceted, robust, and involved a lot of coordination. The main outreach components included: Working Group, Interjurisdictional and Key Stakeholder Meetings, Public Input (Survey, Public Workshops, and Focus Groups), and the Project Website.

Watch: Working Group Meeting Presentation #1

A kick-off meeting with the Triangle Bikeway Working Group included an introduction to the project, a presentation of case studies around the country, a tour of the project website and public survey, discussion of the role of the Working Group, and an interactive exercise to help understand perceived challenges, opportunities, and define what a successful Triangle Bikeway Study looks like.

Watch: Working Group Meeting Presentation #2

The second Working Group Meeting included presentations from project managers of PATH 400 (Atlanta) and Business I-40 Improvement (Winston-Salem) case studies, a project update on key stakeholder engagement efforts and feedback, a review of interim survey results, and a review of project base maps and crowdsourcing map.

Watch: Working Group Meeting Presentation #3

The third Working Group Meeting reviewed all public and stakeholder outreach efforts and feedback to date, including stakeholder, jurisdictional, and focus group meetings. In addition, there was a review of the final survey results and an interactive exercise to gather more input on route preferences.

Watch: Public Input Summary Presentation

The fourth Working Group Meeting was a review of the Public Input Summary, which included visual aids to represent survey participants' desired destinations, commuting patterns, estimated frequency of use, cyclist type, and route preferences. Additionally, feedback from various key stakeholder meetings is summarized and a comparison of survey respondents' demographics to actual demographics of the corridor is provided.

Watch: Working Group Meeting Presentation #5

The fifth Working Group Meeting included presentations from NCDOT on NC54 (STIP #U-5774) and a Micromobility presentation from Research Triangle Foundation (RTF). In addition, the NCDOT Complete Streets Policy, and the Triangle Bikeway alternative alignments map and matrix were presented. Next Video: Case Studies Presentation

Watch: Case Studies Presentation

There is not much precedent for bike paths along highway corridors in North Carolina, therefore, the project team identified and reviewed several case studies across the country in order to learn best practices. Some of the specific topics of interest for the case studies include project timelines, cost, challenges, design solutions, funding sources, strategies used, and partnerships.

Downloadable Presentations

Working Group Meetings